Site Maintenance

This page is intended to keep details related to site maintenance for the use of both current and future Sentinel back-end editors. This page is divided into three sections: the Plugin section, which is further divided into two subsections: plugin compatibility and custom plugins, as well as the Custom HTML section and JavaScript section. The HTML section is used to say where each piece of custom made HTML is, and provide a description for what it does. The JavaScript section is used to hold the URLs of JavaScript scripts, as well as provide descriptions for the contents of each file.


Plugin compatibility is listed in terms of which plugins conflict with which other plugins. State the conflicting plugins, the error that pops up, reason or suspected reason, and the date of most recent occurrence. Custom-made plugins will have a brief description of what they do and a link to a child page as to their requisite documentation. Custom WordPress plugin documentation format will be determined by them who first creates a custom WordPress plugin, and will be listed at the bottom of the custom-made plugin section.

Plugin compatibility

WP-Polls conflicts with JetPack by 503 errors generated by conflicting AJAX (Oct. 21st, 2019).

Custom Plugins
Name: Plus
This script is used to show what plus it is. It is written in JavaScript.
Custom HTML

This section is designed to hold information relating to JavaScript found inside JavaScript files. JavaScript not inside a file, but still used in custom HTML widgets should be described in the custom HTML section. The JavaScript here is meant to be used more generally, referenced by scripts in the custom HTML section.

The title of the JavaScript file should be stated first, followed by a link to the file. This link should not be changed! If an updated version of the JavaScript file is uploaded, its link should be linked to the displayed link within the redirection plugin to avoid breaking hard-coded links in either HTML or other JavaScript files. State each class that the user of the script can instantiate along with their functions. Also include any functions not inside any class that are not themselves inside a function. Indicate clearly which functions are part of a class and which class they belong to, especially through the use of grouping, with constructors above functions of that class. Below each function and class constructor, show the function signature, state what the function does and its intended usage. List what each parameter stands for in order and what value is expected to be inputted; if a parameter has a default value, state that it does and say what it is, afterward indicate what, if anything, the function returns. Next, state any exception that is thrown in the JavaScript file by the writer. After all classes and functions, state whether this JavaScript file utilizes any URL defined in the JavaScript and show those links here, but having hard-coded URLs is discouraged. If this JavaScript file utilizes any other JavaScript file classes of functions, state them as dependencies at the bottom so that our custom HTML knows what scripts to load and in what order. JavaScript files that do not depend on any other files should be placed at the bottom of the hierarchy, with any JavaScript files that have dependencies placed in order of their own dependencies, and what those dependencies are should be clearly labeled.

This file is intended to hold any functions or classes that could be used generally to assist the site. The functions included should be simple and should be multi-purposed.

function accessSiteAndDo(url, function, args) {

url- the URL, as a string, which is to be accessed. Unless specified, cross site access is not allowed.

function- the function which will be accessed if the URL is accessed successfully (HTTP code 200). This function will have the response text inputted as its first parameter.

args- An array of any other parameters that should also be passed to the function. These will be sent to the function in order, with the first element of the array being sent as the second parameter and continuing on from there.

Does not return any value.

Does not throw any exception.

Does not utilize any hard-coded URLs.

Is not dependent on other scripts.


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Site Maintenance