On Sunday Oct. 15, a regional college fair was held at George Mason University, where thousands of students and families attended to learn more about colleges all over the country. The Eagle Bank Arena was full of representatives from hundreds of colleges who spoke to students about their interests and future plans. This event was a great opportunity for juniors and seniors from Fairfax County to interact with delegates from colleges that intrigue them, and find a university that best fits them.
At the fair, about 200 colleges and universities were in attendance from all over the country, including service academies. There were a variety of colleges, small and large ones, suburban and rural ones, even public and private universities. FCPS Superintendent Reid stated, “It is one of the largest College Fairs in the region and featured approximately 200 colleges and universities from around the nation as well as representatives from the U.S. Service Academies. Thousands of students and their families visited the event, and the energy was incredible,” in her weekly reflection.
A really fascinating feature of the fair was that it was a two-sided exchange of information. College representatives were able to pass out flyers and pamphlets with facts about the institution, while students were able to have the representatives scan a barcode that gave them a summary of their top majors and career interests. Before the fair, students filled out a registration form where they could list areas of study that appealed to them. This was a great resource so the delegates could better connect with the students and help them identify reasons why the specific university would be a good fit for them.
Local college fairs are an amazing way to get opportunities in higher level education, and prepare students for their future.