Studies from the British Medical Association have confirmed that eating around one ounce of dark chocolate every day may prevent diabetes. Due to its high antioxidant level, it can not only prevent diabetes, but different types of cancer as well. However, the dark chocolate must be at least 70% cocoa or more. Anything less defeats the cocoa bean’s effect. “Consuming about 1 ounce of dark chocolate a few times a week may be a good way to incorporate the treat into a healthy, balanced diet,” Researcher Binkai Liu states. Cocoa beans were studied and they contained high levels of polyphenols, which contain the said antioxidants.
The polyphenols in cocoa, shown in studies, are shown to reduce blood pressure, which is one of the main factors that cause diabetes. Cocoa also interacts with endorphins, which are released after consumption and slows down emotions such as depression or stress. The reason why this happens is because the polyphenols protect neurons from damage impacted by oxidative stress, which leads to depression. Furthermore, polyphenols may positively impact the gut microbiome, which is linked to brain health and mood regulation.
The reason why milk chocolate counteracts with the beneficial effects of cocoa is due to its milk-cocoa ratio. Milk chocolate typically contains more sugar and milk than actual cocoa, whereas dark chocolate is mostly made up of cocoa. If you consume milk chocolate, it is more unhealthy than beneficial for your body due to its high sugar content and low cocoa content. The typical amount of cocoa in milk chocolate is 10% to 50%, which is not a lot considering you’re eating a treat made mainly from cocoa.
Consuming cocoa may be done in many different ways. However, it must not be eaten raw, as this can cause stomach problems, such as diarrhea, cramps, bloating, and gas. The recommended way to consume cocoa is to bake it or fermement it for a certain amount of time and preferably turn it into a more edible bar, which is the chocolate we see today. However, consuming too much cocoa can lead to problems such as nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea. The recommended amount to take per day is one to five grams to avoid overdose.
With its numerous health benefits and delicious taste, dark chocolate has earned its place as a guilt-free treat, allowing us to satisfy our cravings while promoting overall well-being.