The hit Netflix show, 13 Reasons Why, has managed to cause a ruckus in the media over the controversial topics that are portrayed in the series. The show is based off of the 2007 young adult novel, 13...
Entertainment is a big part of anyone’s childhood. With no worries in life, children spend the majority of their days watching fun shows and playing games. Naturally, after watching these shows all...
Nike has decided to expand their horizons and become the first major brand to launch a line of performance hijabs for Muslim women athletes. The final product will be called the “Nike Pro Hijab,”...
The Golden Globes is a well known award show that is usually ranked the third most watched award show every year. It is telecasted in 167 countries worldwide, and it recognizes the excellence of actors,...
Writing is an essential skill that just about everyone, especially high school students, need in their everyday lives. The Wildcat Writing Center is a great source for every student who needs or wants...
When people think of Mulan, they think of the first Asian Disney princess. But, there are reasons why many people genuinely like the film and are passionate about it. For one, Mulan ditched the theme...