A new movie has popped up from the animation legends, Studio Ghibli. The Boy and the Heron stole attention as a highly-awaited movie because of the golden Ghibli movie reputation. Ghibli movies have always...
There has been a shocking discovery in the creation of one of the most popular animated series of this year, Jujutsu Kaisen. Many sorcerers reveal the dark work practices of the animation studio running...
The last episode of Bleach, an anime television series based on a manga written by Tite Kubo, aired in 2012. Fans were disappointed when the news broke out that a new season wasn’t promised. Finally,...
Haikyuu, a shonen-sports-comedy anime, was directed by Susumu Mitsunaka, written by Taku Kishimoto, and has been out since April of 2014. It was animated by the people at Production I.G and was adapted...
Within the past several weeks, the foreign film, Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, has taken the box office by storm. Originally making headlines back in late 2020 due to its success in its country of origin,...
On March 26, 2021, the final episode of The Promised Neverland season 2 aired, concluding the tumultuous and controversial season with a whimper. I would highly recommend reading my previous article on...