With the loss of the leading actor in the movie series, how will the story continue? On August 28th, 2020, T'Challa's (Black Panther) actor, Chadwick Boseman, died of stage-four colon cancer. The contributors...
As a warm-hearted children's movie franchise with lovable and interesting characters, the Minions series, directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, has won our hearts since 2010, when the first movie of...
Video Game Movie Market
With the release of Free Guy, audiences were reminded of how much video games have influenced movies and TV, and how much we have improved on those ideas since they started in...
With Halloween upon us, watching horror movies is a wonderful way to partake in the night of monsters. We at the Centreville Sentinel, have 10 films we suggest for you to watch tonight or any other Halloween.