On Saturday, January 27, Theatre Centreville performed Centreville Night Live (CNL), a night of student written sketch comedy. The performance was inspired by the NBC comedy show Saturday Night Live, including...
On April 22 and 23, Theater Centreville performed their spring musical, Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka. This was Centreville’s second show of the year, after a successful run of Mutually Assured Destruction...
This Saturday, South Lakes High School tackled Steve Martin and Edie Brickell’s heartfelt tale of romance, family, and redemption, Bright Star, in what was a brilliantly executed and entirely enchanting...
After 35 years and 13,981 performances, Broadway’s longest running show, The Phantom of the Opera, has closed its doors. Composed by Broadway legend Andrew Lloyd Webber, Phantom, based on the 1910 novel...
Within the walls of McLean High School, an enthralling, heart pounding, and totally radical air guitar epic awaits you. Prepare to bear witness to gnarly showdowns and heartwarming reconciliations as our...
The curtain opens as a suspenseful piano, flashing lightning, an ominous manor, and six bewildered guests set the scene for the witty yet enthralling murder mystery, Clue.
Based on the 1985 classic,...
Review by Jamie Jeong
Two generations may think of the word camp differently while modern families imagine summer camps with friends and s mores, an older generation may recall memories of World War...
Review by Jamie Jeong
The Grand Canyon is a historical landmark that everyone is familiar with; however, most do not know who to accredit for discovering the chasm. Oakton High School's production of...
Garland Michael Hudson, affectionately called “Huddy” by his students, is currently the Theater Arts 1-4 and Technical Theater 1-4 teacher. He also directs two shows over the course of the school...
Centreville High School has just had its first school play of the 2018-2019 school year with "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time." The play was directed by Mike Hudson the theater teacher,...