CVHS Choir Department Summer Pops Concert 2022

CVHS Choir

Katie Wilson

The Centreville High School Choir Department announces their (Broadway) Summer Pops Concert to the stage on Thursday, June 2, 2022.

The Summer Pops concert, informally known as the Broadway Pops concert, is a mix of pop music and musical tracks from across the ages. Most, if not all songs will be recognized by nearly everyone in the audience. This concert upholds many solo opportunities for all, as well as duets and trios for seniors. There will be numerous senior solos throughout the concert, with original compositions, pop music, and more!

The last concert of the school year is always an emotional one as we say “goodbye” to our seniors who work hard to make all concerts amazing. The chosen songs are intended to make the audience feel emotional as the year wraps up and seniors leave the choir family they’ve called “home” for the last four years.

Devoted choir seniors Spencer Knutti and Jonah Han responded to my question, “what does the last concert mean to you?” in the most meaningful way possible. Spencer wrote, “This last concert is in some ways a goodbye to the program and the remaining choir members, so we’ll be sure to put everything we have in it!” While Jonah noted more-so on his choir experience as a whole: “I’ve been in choir for 8 long years and I can confidently say that there’s a genuine, close, tight-knit community that we have here. I’ve met so many amazing people, and I’ve learned all sorts of life lessons from each one of them.”

The CVHS Choir Director Ms. Kara Levchenko was asked the same questions as the seniors, “what does this concert mean to you?” To which they responded “This concert is SO special to me because it’s my first in-person end-of-year concert with Centreville High School Choirs! Last year, we did a virtual summer pops concert. This year, I am thrilled to be inviting seniors up in person to perform their own solos, duets, and trios. I am also deeply proud of ALL our students for their hard work learning the dance steps, picking out their costumes, and memorizing their music so we give the audience and incredible show”

Another question Ms. Levchenko responded to was about her favorite part of the concert. She asserted, “My favorite part of the concert is the final song in the show- Seasons of Love (from RENT) this song is one I sang in High School at our Spring Concert, and it will be full-circle to get to perform it with my students this year.”

Remember to come out to the Centreville High School auditorium Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 7 PM to hear some amazing performances, and cheer on our seniors as they take their final bows.