Can Hillary Still Win?

Hannah Jane Kim

The United States Electoral College has gained a lot of buzz within the past month after the recent election that left many Clinton supporters shocked and upset at the results.

Those who believe that Donald Trump is woefully inept to be chief executive are now looking to the electoral college for one last chance at making Hillary Clinton the president-elect.

Many people believe that the results of the election on November 8th are final, but according to the Constitution, there is no such promise. The American people directly vote for the electors, and the electors then vote for our president on December 19th.

Though the electors are able to faithlessly vote against their state, it is a relatively uncommon act. Some states have pledges or laws that bind their electors to their state, however, the electors can still vote for any candidate on their own volition, though it’d be considered a misdemeanor, and the electors would have to pay a small fine of approximately $1000.

Others, such as U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, who believe the electoral college is now an antiquated system, are looking to eliminate the electoral college completely. Clinton has won the popular vote by 2.3 million, and many of her supporters think that the president should be elected directly by the people, and not by the electoral votes per state.

Her supporters are also using the popular vote to try to persuade electors to vote for Clinton, even if they must pay a fine. Petitions have risen on this matter, the most popular one with 4.6 million signatures, urging the electors to vote for Clinton.

But had the third party votes not interfered with Clinton’s votes, it is highly likely she would have became the president-elect.

Many third-party votes were protest votes. Those who favored Bernie Sanders over Clinton voted for Stein or Johnson to express their disapproval of her, despite the fact that Sanders had repeatedly urged his supporters to vote for Clinton in an attempt to keep Trump from becoming the president-elect.

Though the third-party voters prevented Clinton from winning the election, it seems she may still have a chance if the electors become faithless voters to sway the election. Never in history have faithless voters changed the outcome of an election, as there have only been 157 since 1787, but nevertheless, the possibility still exists.