Starting February 9th, movie theaters re-released Anyone But You through the Valentine Encore, which provides exclusive content and extra footage. The movie, originally released in December of 2023, showcases...
Warner Bros’ production Wonka premiered on December 15, 2023 in the United States. Falling into both fantasy and musical genres, Wonka follows the origin story of Willy Wonka before the establishment...
On December 8th, Studio Ghibli released The Boy and the Heron in the United States. With both Japanese and English dubbed versions made available, the film is accessible to watch in theaters around the...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, directed by David Blue Garcia and released on February 18, 2022, The film is a sequel to the original film series; it would be the ninth movie in the series.
The movie starts...
The School For Good and Evil is a young adult fantasy film released by Netflix on October 19, 2022. It is based on the book series of the same name by Soman Chainani. The School for Good and Evil contains...
On February 14, the action-adventure comedy Sonic the Hedgehog, was released.
The redesigned Sonic may have just saved the movie from its generic plot. The movie utilizes an animated hedgehog and a...
Sam Mendes’ 1917 is one of the most outstanding and ambitious films as of recently. The one hour fifty-nine minute film is shot as if it were one single take. Through editing magic, this illusion of...
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before P.S. I Love You is a Netflix movie that recently came out on February 12, 2020. This movie and To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is based on the trilogy written by...
Dr. Seuss' “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” children’s picture book has sold 650 million copies worldwide, and the cartoon movie has been a classic holiday favorite for 53 years. Children and adults...
In Marvel's latest cinematic masterpiece, Thanos the Mad Titan is looking for all six Infinity Stones in order to add them to their respective slots in his Infinity Gauntlet which enables him to use the...
"Wonder," released November 17, 2017, is a film about a boy with a facial difference who is just about to enter a mainstream middle school for the first time. August, 'Auggie,' Pullman, is the main character,...
Marvel’s Doctor Strange is a thrilling and dynamic comic book movie. Scott Derrickson, the director of Doctor Strange, achieves wonders beyond one's imagination on the big screen. As this is the...