Fashion Dreamer is a newly released advanced fashion/RPG game uploaded from the Nintendo Switch platform on November 3. It's a game that focuses on being open-ended and infinitely customizable in any aspect...
On Wednesday September 25, 2019, Nintendo brought their most successful franchise, Mario Kart, onto mobile devices worldwide. Unlike how the game is played on a console, the new game, Mario Kart Tour,...
E3 2018 was a major reveal for video games. The announcements included Halo Infinite, Elder Scrolls 6, Doom Eternal, and Wolfenstein Youngblood. To top last year, E3 2019 has to bring its A game. These...
E3 2017 was a major event in video games. We received the first native 4K video game console, the Xbox One X and the extension of Xbox One backward compatibility to original Xbox titles. VR expanded further...