Windstorm Disrupts FCPS Operations

Jazz Padgett

On Friday, March 2, winds up to 60 mph came across New England and northern Virginia. The high winds led to power outages, scattered debris, traffic jams, and school closings. Students were happy to hear that many school districts were closed including FCPS. The schools had to close due to modular classrooms not being able to withstand sustained winds above 40 miles per hour. NOVA was not the only area affected as many states were also hit by the latest winter storm, known as a Nor’easter, which left a total of 900,000 people without power. Kurt Schwartz, director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, said that, “people in these homes need to plan for a prolonged outage.” Many homes in areas where rainstorms were accompanied by the high winds were flooded, and homes were destroyed by falling trees. Trees in the roads were cleaned up if possible.